The Guardian Insurgents kill 6 members of US-led forces in Afghanistan Los Angeles Times Taliban insurgents killed six members of the American-dominated international military force in southern Afghanistan in a single attack Sunday, Western officials announced. ... Six NATO troops killed in southern AfghanistanWashington Post Afghanistan: 'Nato troops killed'BBC News 6 NATO soldiers killed in AfghanistanXinhua Sydney Morning Herald -Reuters -AFP all 1,321 news articles » 大眾論壇,嬰兒微雕澎湖民宿推薦,proud of you,nopad,apure 發熱衣,x光眼 莫斯科,梨子 韓 代買,超偶服務,5錯,乳癌杏儒中醫澎湖旅遊注意事項,台南找工作澎湖民宿 希臘,危機百科澎湖旅遊行程,美濃泡湯,yam天空影音,溫泉會館,sgs台美,cam4視訊,平和國小,小屋咖啡,-----

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