The Hindu Kosovo goes to the polls Financial Times Kosovo's citizens went to the polls on Sunday for the new state's first parliamentary elections since its independence declaration from Serbia in February 2008. But the unresolved sovereignty dispute and a Serbian-backed ... Kosovo's political parties wrap up campaigns before weekend electionWinnipeg Free Press Kosovo Holds First Parliamentary ElectionVoice of America Kosovo awaits first election results since independence as tensions riseThe Guardian AFP -CNN International -Xinhua all 560 news articles » yam天空影音,8591,海峰棋院,繪圖軟體推薦澎湖民宿,pps,fackbook,石田卓也,卡蜜拉貝兒澎湖民宿,如何匯款,新成屋海悅,桃園精品店,北京功夫熊貓澎湖休閒民宿,瑪奇補丁,誠品書店門市,視覺摹寫,噴嚏法,阿三便當,股道,林國華 blog,-----

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