TFTS (blog) Kobo Brings Social Aspects to E-Book Reading PC Magazine The Kobo application for the iPad on Wednesday added "Reading Life," which brings social aspects - including sharing, a personal "book cover," and achievements - to reading. Kobo - a company that markets an e-reader, an e-bookstore, and numerous apps ... Kobo Reading Life brings social aspects to e-booksTechwatch Kobo Reading Life launchesUberGizmo Indigo's Kobo embraces social media in a readerly wayNational Post (blog) T3 -MacNN -Appscout all 56 news articles » yam天空影音,8591澎湖民宿漁人休閒,海峰棋院,繪圖軟體澎湖旅遊行程推薦,pps,fackbook,石田卓也,卡蜜拉貝兒澎湖民宿網,如何匯款,新成屋海悅澎湖旅遊資訊,桃園精品店,北京功夫熊貓澎湖花火節,瑪奇補丁,誠品書店門市,視覺摹寫,噴嚏法,阿三便當,股道,林國華 blog,-----

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