Cameron to work with Soleil stars BBC News Avatar director James Cameron, Shrek filmmaker Andrew Adamson and Cirque du Soleil are to team up on a series of 3D movies. Those involved have refused to reveal any details, other than the films will feature Soleil performers, famed for their ... Cirque du Soleil movie aims to bring its Las Vegas shows to the massesLos Angeles Times James Cameron to produce Cirque du Soleil film, company saysGlobe and Mail Cirque du Soleil joins James Cameron in 3-D partnershipToronto Star Montreal Gazette -Cinema Blend all 164 news articles » kuas,聊天kk俱樂部,營隊王家牧場,facebook,思源路1號,waterchen,帛琉 藍洞,電子線圈鼎芯,公車7112,勇,咖啡弄澎湖旅遊地圖,上網時間澎湖旅遊行程規劃,台灣大哥大,軍外,cd妹澎湖觀光民宿,撤回告訴狀,gogobox,暑假王家牧場,何昇霖,-----

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