BC hospitals will have to report gunshot wounds Calgary Herald VICTORIA — BC hospitals, clinics and other health-care facilities will, starting Feb. 1, be required to notify police of patients who have gunshot and stab wounds, Solicitor General Rich Coleman announced on Saturday. The Gunshot and Stab Wound ... Date set for mandatory gunshot and stab wound reportingCTV.ca New BC anti-gang law will make it mandatory for health workers to report ...The Province New BC legislation to curb gang violenceNews1130 KKTV 11 News all 32 news articles » 享趣,jay chou澎湖旅遊推薦,九降風,w229 電腦,youtube,msn,facebook澎湖機票,mobile 01,google,最貴鳥書,facebook,電腦機房建置澎湖民宿休閒,豆花姐 楊鷺澎湖旅遊,隔熱紙首選hf,鴻海金門大學澎湖旅遊景點,模特兒找未來,花博路線圖澎湖休閒民宿,房屋介紹,桃園汽車旅館,-----

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